Friday, June 18, 2010

Cleanliness Is Next to Godliness

 My grandpa calls me "Mrs Monk". In reference to the show Monk. I recognize that I have classic signs of OCD and germaphob tendencies that continue to get worse and worse as the years go by.

I don't really know when it started. I was raised in a large family and we never had a house big enough for all of us to have our own spaces and rooms, but I never remembered living among clutter, filth, or chaos. You would never come into our home and think a tornado blew through or that we didn't care for our things.

I  think it was always important to my mom that we learned that everything has its place and that just because we were a large family living in small areas didn't mean we needed to fit the stereotype. We were always clean, groomed and presentable and our home reflected that too. 

I can remember we would have heavy cleaning days and all work together and the only thing that made it go by fast was to listen to music. We all got along better if there was music playing.  We each had our assignments and areas to clean.  I am sure I reacted as all kids do and complained and grumbled about having to do it, but I can look back and realize that I was comfortable in my surroundings and enjoyed our home.  (side note: I don't care how other people keep there homes, it is just how I need to keep my surroundings in order for me to be at peace)

So I find myself now a mother of 5 living in my own home and constantly not feeling Ike it is "clean enough" or organized enough or sanitized enough!  Last night I started the nightly routine of getting kids fed, bathed, to bed and when that was all done it was 9pm. As I walked through the house, completely clean and organized I still managed to find an hour and a half of "clean enough" to do. I bleached the sink drains and the scrub brushes, the water dispenser and the bathtubs, cleaned Rix packaging office and refolded the swim towels in a more "neat" fashion. I really can't sleep or go to bed until everything is done, I cant leave something for the next day, because I can't start my day behind.  

Do I realize that all of this is insane and too much?   Absolutely!   Do my kids think I'm crazy? Certainly!  I know the Lord teaches moderation in all things, EVEN cleanliness. So I guess I post this to remind myself that while some may look at these habits as a problem, I realized what these habits provide for me...INNER PEACE. When I have peace I can be a better wife and mother.  I feel closer to the Lord (stop laughing, you know who you are) and I feel accomplished.  So I applaud the logic that Cleanliness is Next to Godliness.  

Today was a very Holy Day!     


  1. Hi Rachel . . . glad to see you and your growing family :) I cant help but laugh. . . this is SO me! Good to know their arte others out there who share my love (insaneness) for clean in my life :)

  2. rachel- wish i shared this trait with you- i am disorganized and a little- well- messy. ;)
