Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dental Drama

A few months ago I noticed 3 distinct specks on Hunter's back molars! I brushed and brushed and hoped and prayed that they would magically disappear! However, I KNEW they weren't going anywhere! I took him to our amazing dentist who confirmed that visually she could see 3 teeth that needed work!

My earliest memories are going to an army dentist who was NOT nice, was mean and had an angry tone. I remember their rule about no parents allowed during treatment, and also remembered how much fear I had and that my Dad made them change their rule for me. I also was terrified of needles! I wouldn't let them numb me. I remember how they would work on my teeth until I couldn't handle the pain anymore and then take a break and then start again. Had I known then what I know now, I wish I would have gotten numb!

I don't want my children to fear our dentist! She is wonderful and gentle and patient and kind, and they never even realize they are getting numb or extractions or fillings! So, when we were presented with Hunter's teeth problems I knew we needed to have his dental work done in the hospital under general anesthesia. It was an emotional decision for me, but I'm grateful for Rix job at UPS that did not make this a financial decision! Everything that he had done was covered 100%!

Everyone who helped us that day was wonderful and kind. His procedure took just over an hour. The Dr. said he woke up "angry"! 40#'s of angry 3 yr old is not always fun! We went home about an hour later, and he just watched his cartoons and ate lots of popsicles. By the afternoon he was back to himself!

The Dr. did all the x-rays, teeth cleaning, and ended up having to do small fillings in every molar and one in between his front teeth! They sealed all his molars and so hopefully they will be healthier! I hope that we will not have to have any treatments for another 3-4 yrs when he is old enough to have it done in a regular office setting!

I'm so thankful we caught it and the decay was not deeper, and worse! I am thankful he did well with the anesthesia! I am thankful for our amazing insurance, even if it does come at the cost of Rix strength and energy!

Hunter now shows everyone his shiny "new" teeth that he got at the Doctor's!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad it all went smooth! I sure with they had those sealants when I was young...it could have saved me so many dental visits! I'm always sure when the kiddos grow their new teeth, to have them sealed as soon as they'll do them!
