Before we knew it time had run out and they had to go back home. Carter knew how to sew the squares together and then I would need to help with the rows and the binding. I was all for the quilt making until I realized I had to see it completed under my direction! Yikes! After my mom left, we would take it out and Carter would sew a few rows and then move on to something else. The process kept dragging on, and I feared it would never be complete!
So, there it sat, for over a month, in my bedroom, staring me in the face every morning, and every night. My mental quilt. It was going to be so amazing when it finally got done and I was determined to do it! This past Mon it was cold and rainy and I sent the school kids off and settled in for the long haul! I was able to get all 14 rows of 12 squares sewn and together, making sure to leave the last 2 rows for Carter to complete. Rick was great and picked up more thread and the bias tape to finish it off!
I was so thrilled with each stitch as I got closer and closer to being done. The other great joy I felt was knowing this would be Carter's "ta-da" moment, so I wasn't critical of any mistakes I made, because I was essentially helping a 10 yr old finish "his" project!
So here it is, the quilt that took hours to sew and a month of mental attention! Carter loves it, and it is special to me because it was something he did with my mom and I was able to be a part of!
yay carter! what an accomplishment! and yay mama for seeing it to completion! :)